Monday, January 11, 2010

SQL(Structured Query Language)

Today I have started learning SQL.Its a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.We can
  • execute queries against a database
  • retrieve data from a database
  • insert records in a database
  • update records in a database
  • delete records from a database
  • create new databases
  • create new tables in a database
  • create stored procedures in a database
  • create views in a database
  • set permissions on tables, procedures, and view.

    We can divide SQL in two parts:
    1.DML:Data Manipulation Language
    2.DDL:Data Definition Language

    The query and update command forms the DML part of SQL.Few of the commands are as follows:

    1.SELECT: This command is used to extract data from a database
    2.UPDATE:We use this to update data in a database
    3.DELETE:This is used to delete data from a database.
    4.INSERT INTO:We use this to insert a new data into a database.

    The DDL part of the SQL permits databases tables to be created or deleted.It also define indexes,specifies link between tables,and impose constraints between tables.The most important DDL statement in SQL are:

    1.CREATE DATABASE: It creates a new database
    2.ALTER DATABASE: It modifies a database
    3.CREATE TABLE: It creates a new table
    4.ALTER TABLE: It modifies a table .
    5.DROP TABLE: It deletes a table
    6.CREATE INDEX: It creates an index
    7.DROP INDEX: It deletes an index

    SQL is too simple to learn... It can be learnt too easily ... in much lesser time than any other language.I am giving here the syntax of few of the commands that i learnt today.

    SELECT Statement:
    It is used to select a data from the database.
    SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name

    It is used to return only distinct values from a table.
    SELECT DISTINCT column_name(s) FROM table_name

    It is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion.
    SELECT col_name(s) FROM table_name(s) WHERE col_name operator value

    similarly there are many commands which is used to access data from a database.The complete reference can be taken from the website
    All the commands are very easy to learn.

    To build a website that shows some data from a database,we need the following:

  • An RDBMS database program (i.e. MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)
  • A server-side scripting language, like PHP or ASP
  • SQL
  • HTML / CSS

So a good knowledge of SQL is must for all web application developers....
Few of the websites that i found too good to learn SQL online are:

Optimizing Search Query

There are few techniques using which we can make our search query more efficient and more specific..

1. "our_query" : searches results that contains exact phrasing ,with no change to the order of"antivirus"

2. '-' : eg. 'anti-virus'
Here anti-virus will omit the search for anti or our search will be
more efficient.

3. '*' :Using * will tell that we are looking for additional terms and want to include
them in the search. eg. toyota*

4. 'OR' : To search one of the two phrases
eg. toyata OR Audi

Additional Google Commands:

1.' Title:Ur_query': to return pages with the query enclosed in the page title.

2.'site:Ur_query': to return the search result from the specific website.
eg. cell phone site:http://www.makeuseofcom
In the above query the search result will consist of cell
information that are available in the website

3.'+' : Yields results that definetely include the words after the plus sign.
eg. 'toyata+news'

Saturday, January 9, 2010

some of the websites u will like to visit....

To search any people anywhere in the world:

To find the address of any people:

For products & deals:

For best Quality images:

For software downloading:

For eBooks:

For Maps:

For shopping:

For Jobs:

These are the websites that i visited today....and these are the best websites u can find on net..

Friday, January 8, 2010

Software Application

Application software is computer software designed to help the user perform a particular task.
There are three categories of software applications:
1:Desktop applications
2:Network applications
3:Web applications

Desktop applications or Standalone Applications are those softwares which we run on our own PC.Here only one user can use the application at a time on his/her own PC.There are many language that are available using which we can create desktop applications like visual c++,visual basic or many others programming languages that are available.Examples of desktop apps includes word,Excel, Photoshop etc..

While Network application are those applications that are used in a network. Like if there is a network of computers and if we want to talk to a person who is in this network than we need a network application to do so.. so GTalk , yahooMessanger..... all are network applications.Network applications are also called as Distributed Applications.There are two kind of network applications:
1:client server based network application
2:peer to peer network application

Desktop apps and network apps have limitations.. because every another day a newer version of these applications comes into the market.So its tough for the user to buy every time the newer version of these products. So generally they keep on using the older versions.

These problems can be solved by creating Web Applications.Here there used to be a server to which many computes are connected.So here we upload the web application on the server.So now to access these web application user sends the request to the server and the server responses to the request and renders requested application to the user. So now if there is any improvement is in the web application than we need to upload the newer version to the server only.....So now by doing so the new version of the respective version will be available to every user very easily. Here there is a saving of both time and money..
So due to many benefits that web application provides to User;Desktop and Network application are phasing out...

Current time requires development of better and more user friendly web applications...There is a great opportunities in Web Designing... as the coming world will require a good web Application developers...
Few examples of web applications are Gmail,Orkut etc...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Easy learning

I am doing internship in Nirvana Infocom, Delhi.
Its a great learning experience for me. I have started learning HTML.I am learning online.Check out site provides the easiest method of learning HTML,CSS and many others.I am really learning very fastly.This website will be of great use if u want to learn any of these language in a much easier and faster manner.But must try the "Try Yourself" section of the website.I am sure this site will be of great use for u.